No. You have to create and submit a new application via your EPSO account for each selection procedure you want to apply for.


You must have an EPSO account before you can submit an application. The only way to apply for a competition is via your EPSO account. If you are considering a career in the European institutions you are advised not to wait for a specific competition before creating your EPSO account. You will need a valid email address.

clean air dialogu The early application process for existing UK approval holders ended on December 31, 2020. Lists of related approvals are available in the ‘Downloads’ section of this page. More information on FAQs can be found on our dedicated webpage ‘Brexit FAQs’. You have to enable javascript in your browser to use an application built with Vaadin. APPLICATIONS OPEN! EPSO Administrators In Chemicals Policy Competition.

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Follow us for news about jobs in the EU institutions & learn more about EPSO. | The European Personnel Selection Office REX - Create Pre Application A new self-certification system by exporters will replace the system of certification of origin by public authorities as of 1 January 2017. A so-called registered exporter system (REX) is being introduced for that purpose. The European Personnel Selection Office’s (EPSO) assessment of professional experience in the context of a selection procedure for the recruitment of EU civil servants in the field of the financial rules applicable to the EU budget To verify the electronic signature and authentic character of the OJ, download the PDF file of the e-OJ and its signature, then use CheckLex.The paper version of the OJ has legal value for OJs published before 1 July 2013, the date Regulation (EU) No 216/2013 entered into force.

EU careers : The European Personnel Selection Office is the place to start! Create your EPSO Account Online Application Manual Sign in. About EPSO. Contact us

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Follow us for news about jobs in the EU institutions & learn more about EPSO. | The European Personnel Selection Office REX - Create Pre Application A new self-certification system by exporters will replace the system of certification of origin by public authorities as of 1 January 2017.

Main language . Citizenship . Secondary EPSO account login; Home > Contact us > Question. Question. To ensure appropriate follow-up of your question, please make sure that you carefully fill out the form with all relevant information. Application number. Title * Mr. Ms. Other.
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You can view your application form at any time, by going to your EPSO account. • If you have applied for a contract agent selection procedure, you may be 

Lists of related approvals are available in the ‘Downloads’ section of this page. More information on FAQs can be found on our dedicated webpage ‘Brexit FAQs’. You have to enable javascript in your browser to use an application built with Vaadin. APPLICATIONS OPEN! EPSO Administrators In Chemicals Policy Competition. March 2021 EPSO Planning. EPSO announces NEW competition release dates + CBT & AC exam periods.

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candidates selected by EPSO.

Såväl i medlemsländer som i länder utanför EU. * European Personnel Selection Office 1. You will find details on how to apply for any of these contract types and the current positive trend in the epidemiological situation within the EU, EPSO is now  Europaparlamentets generalsekretariat, liksom majoriteten av EU:s generalsekretariat: olika karriärmöjligheterna inom EU: Läs mer och gör din anmälan på EPSO:s webbplats: Tjänstgöringsort: Bryssel/Luxembourg. Ambassadör för EU, EPSO, EU Career ambassador, extrajobb, extrajobb EU, Studentambassadörer för EU, är studenter på utvalda universitet som har till  Hur får man då ett jobb på en av EU-institutionerna? Det är Europeiska rekryteringsbyrån Epso, som anordnar uttagningsproven.