EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE Sira 03ATEX1295X Issue 15 This certificate and its schedules may only be reproduced in its entirety and without change. Page 2 of 7 Form 9400 Issue4 13 DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT The Model S4000CH and S4000TH Intelligent Gas Sensor is intended to detect the presence of hydrocarbon or hydrogen sulphide gases in air.
Category 2 equipment. EU-type examination (Module B). Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing (Module. C1 ).
3 EG-typkontrollnummer / EC type examination number of Certificate of Conformity · EU Type Examination Certificate ATEX and IECEx approved. IP66 rated. Surface Mount Current Type, DC. Light Effect, Flashing. Includes valves for ATEX environment. Valid for: Hägglunds motor CA, CB, CBM; Maximum Type code.
These are not covered by the certificate. [12] The marking of the product shall include the following: II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga EU type-examination Certificate (Module B) 2. Equipment or Protective System intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Directive 2014/34/EU) 3. EU type examination certificate Nr ITS 16 ATEX 101335 X 4. Product: Types CB, CF, CK, CQ, CY, PD -E 4, PD U, PH E, PA D and PB D Stopping plugs. 5. [14] EU-Type Examination Certificate No: Presafe 19 ATEX 21641 X Issue 1 [15] Description of Product Pressure and temperature switches are divided into 3 lines: - Performance line (modular, bourdon, differential) - Compact line - Mini line The instruments of each line share the same terminal block and microswitches (not applicable for EU-Type Examination Certificate Presafe 18 ATEX 12921X Issue 0 [16] Report No.: D0002616-01 [17] Specific Conditions of Use The flamepath gaps are less than those given in the standards and shall not be enlarged.
EU-Type Examination Certificate SCHEDULE EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE NUMBER ITS17ATEX101743X Issue 02 Page 4 of 5 This Certificate is the property of Intertek Testing and Certification Ltd and is subject to Intertek Testing and Certification’s Conditions for Granting Certification RFT-EU-NB-OP-23k1 June 29, 2016 * 16.
This certificate may be circulated without alteration. Extracts or alterations are subject to approval by: Zertifizierungsstelie of TÜV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH Page 1 / 4 of Annex to TÜV 18 ATEX 8218 X Issue: 00 EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE No. DEMKO 16 ATEX 1600 Rev. 0 00-IC-F0056-1 – Issue 15.0 This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included. Page 2 of 2 [15] Description of Product The 220-1000TC Pocket Pump is a portable device designed to pump air at a constant flow rate. [1] EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE [2] Equipment or Protective System intended for use .
Utbildning i ATEX Installationer i riskområde med explosiv atmosfär. Nytt typgodkänt brännarblock BMS. pidab har nu fått sitt uppdaterade BMS block för
These are not covered by this certificate. 10. The marking of the product shall include the following: [14] EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE No. CNEX 19 ATEX 0028 X Issue 3 Report: 20092 This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, including schedule CNEX-FM-603E Issue 6 Page 3 of 11 Note: The motors are originally designed for 400V AC, 50 Hz. This EU Type Examination Certificate without signature and official stamp shall not be valid. This certificate may be circulated without alteration. Extracts or alterations are subject to approval by: Zertifizierungsstelie of TÜV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH Page 1 / 4 of Annex to TÜV 18 ATEX 8218 X Issue: 00 EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE No. DEMKO 16 ATEX 1600 Rev. 0 00-IC-F0056-1 – Issue 15.0 This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included. Page 2 of 2 [15] Description of Product The 220-1000TC Pocket Pump is a portable device designed to pump air at a constant flow rate. [1] EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE [2] Equipment or Protective System intended for use .
Manufacturer: ERIKS Flow
Directive 2014/34/EU. [3]. Type Examination Certificate Number: DEMKO 14 ATEX 1350833X Rev. 6.
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Product: Luminaire for portable and fixed installation Certified types: SLAM Semic LED-1 5. Manufacturer: Atexor Oy 6.
690 V.
be used. PT OKIECEx/ATEX rating data. EU-type examination certificate. KEMA97ATEX1798U ATEX conductor cross-section.
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Utbildning i ATEX Installationer i riskområde med explosiv atmosfär. Nytt typgodkänt brännarblock BMS. pidab har nu fått sitt uppdaterade BMS block för
INTRODUCTION The alignment of the Directive on equipment and protective systems for potentially explosive atmosphere (ATEX 94/9/EC) with the New Legislative Framework (Regulation 765/2008) calls for 00-IC-F0056-1 – Issue 18.1 This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included. Page 1 of 3 [1] EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE [2] Equipment or Protective System intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres . Directive 2014/34/EU [3] EU-Type Examination Certificate Number: DEMKO 11 ATEX 1031772X Rev. 6 EU Type Examination Certificate CML 14ATEX3119 Issue 12 1 Equipment intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive 2014/34/EU 2 Equipment Spartan LED Linear Luminaire 3 Manufacturer Raytec Ltd. 4 Address Unit 15 Wansbeck Business Park, … This EU-Type Examination Certificate relates only to the design and construction of the specified product. Further requirements of the Directive apply to the manufacturing process and supply of this product. These are not covered by this certificate. 10.
Ladda ned : XS1MEX, XS6EX and XSAVEX inductive proximity sensors for explosive atmospheres - EU/ATEX type examination certificate -
Product: Electronically Operated Solenoid Coils, Types 10 Mar 2016 The new ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU takes into effect on 20 April 2016. the past EC-type examination certificate will change to an EU-Type Directive 94/9/EC. [3]. EC-Type Examination Certificate Number: DEMKO 09 ATEX 0926969X Rev. 1. [4]. Equipment or Protective System: Portable Fan, model explosive atmospheres - Directive 2014/34/EU.
F ATEX 020 (Mar/2019).